EP 23 - leveraging social media for your art: a conversation with shane lance

Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Shane Lance, a super talented engineer producer and a creative force to be reckoned with. Hes also happens to be a great friend of mine. We got into the nitty-gritty of how social media has shaped our artistic journeys, and I'm excited to share the insights from our chat, hoping it inspires some ideas for you, too.

Shane's Unique Path Through Social Media

Shane's ride on the social media wave, especially on TikTok, has been nothing short of a rollercoaster. Unlike many, Shane wasn't all into social media from the get-go, and felt a bit on the fence about the whole social sharing scene. Starting off without any experience and no clear plan to promote his music production, Shane dabbled in posting fun, random content on Fiverr. Then, as the world turned upside down with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Shane started to really find his groove, creating content that clicked with folks globally, and his music production took off alongside.

Finding the Right Balance

Shane talks about the importance of give and take in social media. It all comes down to finding a balance between being present and authentically you - without oversharing, giving people a glimpse into our creativity and daily lives while keeping some things just for us.

Shane believes in the joy of sharing art online, suggesting it should boost our spirits rather than drain or tie us down. He's all for using social media as a tool for authentic connection, not letting it overshadow our creative work.

The Impact of Social Media on Our Careers

Shane pointed out how genuine interactions on social media have opened doors for him, with many opportunities coming from people who've stumbled upon his music or content on TikTok. Beyond showcasing his latest projects, he finds value in letting his audience peek into his everyday life, which has been key in forging stronger connections.

We both also agree on one thing: while it's great to be recognized, the real game-changer is when your personality and vibe resonates with others.

Embracing the Moment

As we wrapped up, we reflected on the current state of social media. It might feel like the big wave is about to crash, but on the flip side - now could actually be the perfect time to jump in, find your unique voice, and connect with your community. Social media is indeed a wild ride, filled with ups and downs, but there's room for everyone to make their mark.

Our conversation was a reminder of the vibrant (also, albeit challenging) adventure of sharing our work online with the world. Being a creative is all about embracing the journey, the connections, and the growth that comes with it. So, here's to taking the plunge and seeing where this vast, digital ocean can take us. I hope you enjoyed the conversation and insight as much as I did!

About Shane Lance:

Shane’s passionate about family, music, and people.

As a teenager he learned to play drums from his mom and guitar from his dad. As he grew as a musician he began to fall in love with the songwriting and song-crafting process. In 2007, after audio production school, he landed an internship-turned-job at a recording studio in the Seattle area where he worked as an engineer and producer for over a decade.

In 2020 he shifted to working independently as he prepped for a career and life move. Now he and his wife and three kids live in Los Angeles where he creates full time from his home studio.

These days his focus is working 1-on-1 with artists, often writing, producing and mixing. As he describes it “taking their songs from conception all the way to Spotify

Find Shane online:

TikTok: @wshanelance
Instagram: @wshanelance
Website: https://www.wshanelance.com 
Podcast: That Sounds About Right

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